You Are The Image Of God

This is a video I made some time ago. I thought it was a good way to introduce the videos I made for my “Spiritual Striptease” series. I hope the message here blesses and inspires you and that you share it with anyone you know that needs a spiritual boost.

As always, I enjoy hearing your thought and comments on this subject.


  • Carla Hay-Perdue

    Good video David!?

  • Juane Reed

    That was very good David. I have wondered many times why we have the misconception that God is like a mean parent by giving such harsh punishment to Adam and Eve. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

  • Shirley M. Riley

    You seem so relaxed and I felt as though we were in the same room together! It was good to “see” you again, David.! I love that you reminded us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. He loves us unconditionally.

  • Lela Abernathy

    David, that is such a good perspective. thanks. it is both comforting and a catalyst to learn more. love, lj

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