Who Do You Listen To?

Everyday there are a myriad of voices clamoring and seeking our attention. There are the voice in our own mind. Voices come to us from the television and radio, newspapers and magazines. And then there are the voices of our family, friends, and even strangers that we encounter daily on our journey through life. All of these voices have a message or messages which they’re seeking to impart to our lives. And each of these messages maybe be valid or true.

But they maybe not or at least maybe not the whole truth.

There’s another source or voice that seeks to speak to us and this voice is always valid and true. But this is the voice that so many of us neither access or listen to frequently.

This is the voice of our own heart.

It’s the voice we can only access as we enter the silence.

“Be Still and know” scripture reminds us.

All of the spiritual teachers and leaders have come to know the value of the silence.

Jesus left the crowds and went to the mountains alone to pray and meditate.

Buddha remained under the Bodhi tree meditating until he was enlightened — till his heart lit up.

My Meditation Adventure

I’ve been engaging in a 21 day meditation adventure using various mantras. Each day as I meditated and chanted the mantra for the day, I felt my mind quieting and my heart opening up. Fear and worry were released and peace and love filled my being. And I was guided to right action during my day.

But unfortunately, like so many others, I often feel just too busy to take even five minutes out of my day to just sit quietly and listen to this still inner voice.

It is on days like that when I try to remind myself that Gandhi said that he usually meditated for an hour each morning (an hour and not just the five or 10 minutes I try to do). But when he knew that he was going to be really busy and had much work to accomplish in the day, he then increased his meditation time to 2 hours. He knew that if he took time and listened in silence that he’d be guided, not by his own thoughts and ideas but by that Mind or Presence that see and knows all.

This week, I encourage you to give yourself permission to spend just 10 or 15 minutes in silence, even before you begin the tasks of the day. And while there, if thoughts present themselves clambering for your attention, just offer them love, set them aside for now and listen to the stillness. And as you do, you’ll become aware of a Presence — the presence of God, Spirit — and this presence will speak to you in a still small voice — and it’ll offer guidance and direction that will enable you to achieve great things.

Listen to your heart.

Follow what it says and you won’t be sorry you did.

In my last few posts I shared with you 4 other suggestions for creating a tremendous life.

Choose happiness.

Change you words, change your world.

Dare to be who you really are.

Live to give.

Now I’ve given you my last suggestions — listen to your heart.

Listen to your heart for it is here that God will speak to you and help to guide and direct you. As you listen, this will make each moment count and your life will be tremendous.

If you missed any of these suggestions, stop right now and click on each link above and read the posts.

Also, think of a friend that you think would benefit from any or all of these suggestions and share these post with them and also encourage them to subscribe so they’ll not miss any future posts.

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