Got Security Issues? Check For A Dirty Bomb In Your Root Chakra!!

Abraham Maslow, the famous psychologist, devised his famous pyramid of human needs which is a way of looking at the needs we have in life. There are five levels to this pyramid. It begins with a broad base which he labeled our physiological needs. These included air, food, water, sex and sleep. Next up the pyramid were the needs for safety which for him included employment, financial, other resources, family and health. The other steps up the pyramid were love, esteem and self-actualization.

As I was thinking about this pyramid, I realized that Maslow was laying out the items that were involved with each of the seven chakras of Eastern thought. If you are not familiar with the chakra system, them be sure and read my post, Chakras – An Overview.

We are spiritual beings having a human experiences and as such, we have needs. And it is only as our basic physiological and safety needs are met that we have a firm basis from which to continue our journey of spiritual unfolding and our true self-actualization.

This brings us to our consideration of the root chakra.

The Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of our spine. It forms the base of our development.

It is represented as a red spinning fan. The red is like that of a ruby as it shines in the bright sunlight.

This chakra is associated with the issue of physical security and safety and especially with your thoughts and beliefs regarding these issues.

Family Beliefs

Many of these thoughts and beliefs were gained though your family involvement and the thoughts and beliefs that your parents held and then passed along, both consciously or unconsciously, to you.

For this reason, it is important to revisit and examine the ways your family regarded finances, careers, home, physical needs and possessions.

Were these thoughts and beliefs a source of worry and concern for your parents and now for you?

Was providing for these basic needs seen as a hardship and something that was always just out of reach? Maybe there was a belief that there really was “never enough” to go around and so you must scrimp and make do.

These thoughts and beliefs tend to make the chakra very dark and murky. The cause it to either shrink and shrivel or to be very enlarged and out of balance with the other chakras.

Or was the dominant belief one where all of your needs were easily and comfortable provided?

This causes your chakra to be clear and ruby red and more in balance with the rest of your centers.

Cleansing The Root Chakra

After you have looked at how your family believed and thought about money and employment, you are now ready to think about cleansing and balancing the root chakra.

One of the most effective techniques I have found is the use of a beam of white light. White light is the most pure form of light and it also includes all of the colors of the chakras. This energy is very effective in cleansing and balancing the energy of the chakras.

Visualize your body. See a ball of red light at the base of your spine. Then visualize a beam of crystal white light coming from above and entering your head and going through your body until it enters the red root chakra. See this as a powerful cleansing light and allow it to purge your chakra of any fears and worries about money and success.

You might also want to use the affirmation “All of my fears and worries about money and success are cleansed by the light. All of my wants and needs are met and provided for at every moment.”

Try this technique daily for a week and see what results you get. Then be sure and share any of them with us as you desire. As we share our stories and experiences, we all grow and develop.

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  • Everything goes back to your chakras, how prana moves through your spiritual body. Get all those in balance and your life starts working. This is an esoteric secret that western religion misses entirely.

    • David Boger

      Some day, maybe Western religions will finally get over their phobia about all things Eastern. There is so much that we can and will learn when we do. And as we do, we will finally get religion and spirituality back in balance.

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